Aton's Portfolio

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Start Date: may 2024

Project Lenght: 2 weeks

Team Size: 3 members

My Role: Programing the site

Used Tools: Visual Studio Code

Synopsis:In this project, you step into the role of a detective tasked with uncovering the mysteries of the world and documenting its elusive cryptids. The setting is a lookout house, equipped with various tools and vantage points for observing the outside world. Your mission is to search for these mysterious creatures. Once you spot one, their profile file automatically appears on the computer, providing details about the cryptid. However, there’s an additional layer of intrigue—a secret file. This file can only be unlocked if you find the hidden random code located near the door. But be warned: a mysterious dark figure lurks outside. If you open the front door for him, he can steal all your collected cryptid data. Should you successfully unlock the secret file, you’ll uncover shocking information about the dark man: he’s a survivor gnome from our previous project, Gnome Hunters!

Description:This project wasn’t the most exciting, but I enjoyed developing the lore and designing the various parts of the house. It was a very different kind of work compared to the rest of my college projects, the closest in concept might be SubwaySubway, though the two are vastly different. The part I enjoyed the most was definitely creating the computer interface and the various cryptid files. It was a unique challenge, and I appreciated the opportunity to explore this storytelling format. There are also the various problems I would work on if I was to pick up the project again, mainly on the computer interface, and how the videos would render, mainly their size.

Project Gameplay