Aton's Portfolio

Project Image

Fairy Hunter

Start Date: november 2020

Project Length: 3 months (every third month during 9 months)

Team Size: 1 member

My Role: complete responsability over pre-production, production and post-production

Used Tools: Clip Studio Paint, Photoshop, After Effects and Adobe Premiere

Synopsis:This animation tells the story of a fairy hunter in a forest, attempting to capture a fairy using a cage. In his eagerness, he leaps toward the fairy, crashing against an old stone wall. This lead to a loose log to fall on him. The log smashes the cage, freeing the fairy, while the hunter, ironicaly, ends up trapped himself.

Description:The project was one of three created for my multimedia class (Photography, Video and Animation), developed progressively over the academic year, with each third completed in a different term. Its primary goal was to teach us various animation techniques, including frame-by-frame animation, rotoscoping, and keyframe animation in after-effects.

Rendered Project Video