Aton's Portfolio

Project Image

Madamna Buterfly - Matria

Start Date: november 2024

Project Length: 1 month

Team Size: 3 members

My Role: 3D modeling and 3D animation

Used Tools: Clip Studio Paint, Photoshop, After Effects and blender

Description:This project was created in collaboration with the Coliseu do Porto as part of their Fiato event, featuring interactive posters. It was developed using Unity, with each team assigned two operas to adapt. My team worked on the Japanese tale Madama Butterfly and the Portuguese opera Mátria. We decided to give the project a theatrical aesthetic. For Madama Butterfly, we portrayed the story in a theater-like setting, incorporating interactive elements such as curtains and butterflies. For Mátria, we opted for a storybook style with pop-up elements, requiring interaction to turn the pages. This design showcased three key moments from the opera, each represented visually. My contributions included creating the model of Madama Butterfly, the paper wall backdrop, and the animation integrated into it. This marked my first experience with animating textures for a 3D object. For Mátria, I designed the 2D pop-up elements that brought the storybook interaction to life.

Project Screen Recording and Teaser