Aton's Portfolio

Project Image

Gnome Hunter

Start Date: may 2024

Project Lenght: 2 weeks

Team Size: 2 members

My Role: Programing the visuals for the shape effects

Used Tools: Processing

Synopsis:The animation depicts a Gnome hunter going into a forest and hunting gnomes.

Description:This project was a unique and formative experience for me, marking the beginning of my work with visual programming. Originally designed for a team of three, it faced challenges when one member left toward the end of the project without contributing. This setback resulted in a somewhat underwhelming segment in the middle of the animation, where the man walks to the trees. Despite this, the project was an exciting opportunity to explore a different style of animation. The gnome theme started as a lighthearted joke but gradually evolved into the final concept seen today. My favorite part of the animation was the gnome shooting scene, an idea I came up with that was later enhanced by my partner. This collaboration not only improved the scene but also made it one of the most memorable parts of the project for me.

Rendered Project Video and Teaser