Aton's Portfolio

Project Image

SubWay Subway

Start Date: november 2023

Project Length: 2 weeks

Team Size: 3 members

My Role: Pogramer

Used Tools: A-frame and html

Description:The foundation of this entire project is its "nonsense comedy" theme. From start to finish, this chaotic energy drove the creative process, as the whole team seemed to be operating on a single shared brain cell. It was a hilariously chaotic creation, packed with inside jokes, pop culture references, and even the occasional use of copyright music. Objectively, this project might be considered the worst in the eyes of anyone with a rational perspective, but for those who resonated with our group’s unique humor, it was an absolute masterpiece. On a personal note, it also served as my first glimpse into the creative possibilities of HTML beyond traditional website design, sparking a new area of interest for me.

Gameplay? Video

In Game ScreenShots

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