Start Date: december 2022
Project Length: 1 month
Team Size: 2 members
My Role: parcial responsability over pre-production, production (From second 40 to minute 1, teh missing warning in the next scene, and from minute 1:20 until the end) and complete responsability over post-production
Used Tools: Aseprite, Maya, After Effects and Adobe Premiere
Description:This project was created for ESMAD's annual Game Jam, which takes place during exam season. The theme was once again about following a melody, but this time we also needed to promote the Game Jam by including essential information within the animation. This information is presented during the final two sections, detailing the duration, date, and location of the event. My role involved editing the project, assembling all the components, and ensuring the animation flowed cohesively. This was my first experience working with an After Effects project created by someone else, and it taught me the importance of establishing clear guidelines on how team members should organize their files. Unfortunately, I had to overcome the challenges through trial and error. My favorite part of the project is the combination of the "Matrix" inspired section with the "Super Mario" inspired section. The computer mouse animation was kinda anoying.